About us

About us

Growing up in the Burdekin, North Qld, we had the fortunate opportunity of regularly going out to the reef.

With the use of familiar landmarks, we could navigate ourselves onto the reef without too much hassle. We did, however, need a thorough understanding of what to look out for and when.

The right timing and knowledge dictated how successful we were.

There were elements of our environment that were beyond anyone’s control. However, a view of the landscape and an understanding of the environment ensured we could capitalise on most opportunities, productively.

Landmarks are just as useful and important in a commercial sense. The outcome you seek in business is a bit like trying to navigate onto the reef and having the opportunity to fish in more productive waters.

About Jared Favero

I’m a career accountant and principal of Landmark Accountants. With a career in professional services and commerce, I’m familiar with both the advisor and client side of professional engagements.

This ensures I’m positioned to deliver something of real value to the professionals and business owners I engage.

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